Monday, November 17, 2008

I Won a Major Award!

Happy Monday!

Boy has mine been a great one!!! Don't you love that line from "A Christmas Story"?! "Fragile, It must be Italian!" I had to say it I couldn't resist. Okay, on to my Major Award. Cassie, one of my fellow Pink Papery Studios design team sisters gave me an award today. Cassie I am truly honored.

I am supposed to pass this on to 5 other stampers who I feel are super talented. (How I am supposed to narrow this down to five is beyond me!) Okay here goes.

1. Claudia -- She does some absolutely amazing things with Magnolia stamps and Stampavie designs.

2. Candice --What she does with her MFT sets and her backgrounds will blow you away!

3. Mary Jo --She is truly an amazing stamper and her Monday sketches are fantastic!

4. Jacquie -- She does amazing things with all of her stamp sets! I love looking through her blog for inspiration!

5. Tori-- I don't know how she gets everything done! She is truly fabulous and is a gifted artist.

Thanks again Cassie for this amazing honor! I will be back later to post my projects for today, so don't miss it!!!


Javablustamper said...

WOW! Iam SO honored!! I think you are WAY talented and I have loved seeing all your AMAZING creations! I will HAVE to visit again and often!! Thank you SO much for your kind words and for the GREAT award!! I am glad you enjoy visiting my LITTLE part of the world!! Hope you are well and take care!!

Tori Wild said...

Thanks so MUCH for leaving me a comment and nominating me for an award. That was so sweet and I'm glad you came out of "hiding" so I could find your blog too!!! Wow-- I love all your cards-- that SUINK indian one is just ADORABLE!!! Thanks again and I'm glad you like my blog, it's such an honor to have people read it!

Heather Schlatter said...

Congrats on the award Janna! I agree you do have a very Kreative Blog!!!

You go girlie!!!!


Candice said...

Thank you SO much, Janna!! Hee hee...first of all - I laughed out loud when I saw your post title - hee hee...I LOVE "A Christmas Story" - I qouote it all the time too - drives my hubby nuts - LOL!! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your work too - you are SO uber-talented and a truly gifted artist. Thanks again for the award - you're too sweet!!! :)

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

Hi Sweetie,
thank you so much!!!
you made my day :-)